• Monkey D. Laura


    Koharu et Luffy

    nom: monkey d (je vait faire des jalouse)

    prénom: laura(c'est mon vrai prenom)

    Âge: 17 ans( la plus veille pour l'instant)

    Dâte de naissance: 5 mai

    surnom: la beauté effrayante(je peut etre effrayante defois.....)


    statue: cuisinière

    signe: ma beauté( en fait un peu trop....)

    rêves: voir son frére devenir le seigneur des pirates

    objets important: son parfum magic (qui sert a se transformer....)

    proches:luffy(frére jumeaux)ace(frére adoptif)garp(grand-pére)dragon(pére)koharu(amies d'enfance)

    prime(s): 55 millions de beryys depuis la decouverte de ce pourvoir (vers 14 ans)

                    200 000 000 berrys (aprés avoir detruit une ile entiere)

                    500 000 000 berrys ( aprés avoir acquis sa transformation finale)

    fruit du démon: non , mais a le pouvoir de se transformer en une des legendaire guerriere les precure(vraiment pourrit --')


    Precure gold forte burst: des millier de fleurs de tournesol se dirige droit sur l'ennemi le blessent gravement automatique Il permet aussi d'imobiliser l'ennemi pour les autre ataque....

    precure gold forte burst fortissimo: les milliers de fleur se reunissent pour attaquer les grands ennemis et puissant surtout

    precure shining fortissimo: pareil que pour le presedent(facon fleur qui devient grosse)mais il se fait avec plusieur personne dés que les personne la traverse elle lui fait double sa force par 10

    Precure heard road: grave a son nouvelle arme elle forme un cercle ,le cercle ce dirige droit sur l'enime et explose dés que ce cercle tout l'ennemi


    physique: cheveux noir , yeux bleus, portent souvent des tenue differente

    transformer: cheveux blond jaune fluau ,yeux jaune avec un superbe coustume tout jeune voir l'image...

    caractére: laura est comme luffy elle mange tout le temps c'est la double de luffy mais en fille mais elle est beaucoup plus serieuse que luffy

    amoureuse: sanji(le seul dispo --')

    sous sa forme transformer:

    Koharu et Luffy

    histoire:Laura est née sur l'ile de fushia elle est la soeur jumelle de luffy .laura a grandi avec son grand-pére son frére koharu et ace . lorsque luffy prit la mer se fut ensuite koharu ,voillant toute sa famille partir elle decida de prendre la mer quelque jour aprés koharu, plus tard elle retrouva koharu et rejoignit son equipage. laura a de tres mysterieux pouvoir en peut se transformer en l'un des légendaire guerriére les precures, se pouvoir apparu a l'age de ces 10 ans elle fetaient son anniversaire avec toute sa famille et decida de sortir pour voir la mer ,elle vit une etoile filante et fit un voeux (que vous serait que dans la fic) quanbd elle ouvrit les yeux l'etoile je rapprochait dangereusement d'elle puis la percuta laura fut retrouver inanimée par son frére inquiet de ne pas la voir. laura etait dans le coma et cela a durer 4 ans lors de sont reveille elle serrait dans sa main un parfum magic sur le coup elle ne comprenait pas et puis un beau jour lorsqu'elle retournis sur le lieu de son accident elle regardit le ciel et vit une petite fée toute jaune descendre du ciel elle s'appellait poppuri et lui avoua qu'elle etait une precures puis elle allait decouvrit enfin ces pouvoir lorsque se monstre des mer fit son apparision elle se transforma et c'est la que son aventure commence 3 ans son passer depuis la decouverte de ces pouvoir elle ces beaucoup entrainer et peut enfin partir en mer pour sauver ce monde de la marine tel est la destinée d'une precure

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    Samedi 17 Novembre 2012 à 03:30
    to be the most beautiful certaure in the world, aside from Boa Hancock.So freaking CUTE Shirahoshi is! X3 And it's cool that she wants to go to where Jinbe happens to be! Yay, Brook! I love that fucking skeleton! XDI love Luffy's face when he comes up with his good idea It's more disturbing than cool, all those people being thrown against the tower On the other hand, I though Shirahoshi hiding in Megalo was one of the most hilarious things I've seen happen in this arc! XDNHK One Piece Documentary That mom needs to learn some responsibility.Personally, I STILL don't get why One Piece isn't as popular as Naruto, aside from the obvious I don't really understand how Naruto being all about I while One Piece being all about we makes Naruto more popular here.The whole ragtag bunch, not elite idea, and debuting after the bubble popped , those are good insights.Anime recap Blackbeard laughing, Marines running away, one guy too in awe to move his legs Blackbeard really has the world's attention, they know how threatening his is, after seeing what he's capable of doing I like that.lol, Blackbeard's face on the Shabody screen, it's like a Blackbeard version of the awesome face.Look at the despair This pleases Blackbeard immensely. GOD I want to know this guy's backstory!I believe Blackbeard when he says he's willing to fight, but one can't help but feel that he's purposely taunting the Marines for having such broken spirits.Also, EVERY TIME I GET A CLOSE-UP OF BLACKBEARD'S FACE, I THINK OF USOPP! Must be the nose.Dang, Sengoku's Buddha form is huge Also, I'm surprised they can still find their footing when the ground is so cracked up. Either way, Sengoku's persistence in fighting, and rousing speech is enough to life the fallen Marines' spirits!Unfortunately, Onigumo gives a rousing speech that gives the Marines the wrong idea. Their mission was accomplished, Ace and Whitebeard are dead. These guys don't want to fight anymore. Yet Onigumo, much like Akaiu before him, insists on killing every last criminal there.Then Kizaru shows up and once again takes a good long while to charge up his attack.OH SHIT, INAZUMA!!! He was still somewhat recovering from the poison, too!Did Ivankov ever use those attack in the manga? Either way, I doubt it'll work, since Akainu's a logia type. Also, having his lips burned off is a terrible way to go. Actually, he just put on lots of make-up AGAIN! That won't help him in the fire, though. Strange, now we've gone from Buggy filler to Ivankov filler.Coby and Helmeppo again. Even Helmeppo's shocked by just how far the Marines are going When suddenly, Coby realizes something He has the power The power he can't control.I find it funny how Akainu COMPLETELY ignores everyone else and concentrates on Dragon's son .Oh look, the ocean! We can make it-OH SHIT, THE OCEAN'S FROZEN!!!YEESH! Did we really need to look up Jimbei's um, jinbe?It's not recommended to punch magma I'm surprised that Jimbei didn't lose his hand completely after something like that. I'm also surprised that they're still in the air after all that And here we see where Luffy gets his X-scar. And I have to admit, after all Luffy's been through, adding THAT just seemed to be overkill. But then again, with Akainu, there's no kill like overkill!NO! Luffy's straw hat! He doesn't notice He's too in shock Also, apparently, Jimbei survived getting impaled by a magma fist. More power to him.A Fishman's heart is in the GROIN?! I never knew that. I actually like the image of Jimbei holding Luffy. Luffy is so much smaller than Jimbei, it's actually adorable If they weren't fighting for their lives.LOOK! ON LUFFY, BEHIND THE SMOKE! THERE'S LUFFY'S X-SCAR!The sky clears, the sun shines, but both Luffy and Jimbei are in trouble What kind of an asshole IS Akainu, he keeps saying he's in the way, and now he's saying he should be worried about himself. Doesn't this guy pay attention to ANYTHING the pirates say?! God damn, what a fucking idiot.God, DAMN! Seeing that hole in Jimbei's chest is disturbing And it's still really impressive that he survived that Is that really the most he can do? Growl at him? Poor Jimbei And then he passes out OR DOES HE?! HE'S GETTING BACK UP! GOD DAMN, AFTER ALL JIMBEI GOES THROUGH, I REALLY REALLY WANT HIM TO JOIN THE CREW!!!What's this? Crocodile saves Luffy? Normally I'd ask why, but Akainu's such a fucking bastard I don't care about what Crocodile's true motivation is! FUCK AKAINU! FUCK HIM HARD UP THE ASS!!!! Glass Crocodile That's a neat thought.lol, Crocodile saves Jimbei and Luffy by attacking them with a sandstorm Which leads to some BUGGY ANTICS!!! Thank you, red-nosed man! XDAnd then there's Vista, the badass flower swordsman! And the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates All willing to protect Straw Hat Luffy. And Akainu, being the dumbass that he is, doesn't understand why. He'll never understand, the heartless bastard.It's fascinating to see those random pirates contemplating what to do They're trapped between a rock and a hard place Where can they go? Where can Buggy, Jimbe, and Luffy go?!lol, Buggy's followers make a literal SOS! XD In a yellow submarine? It's Trafalgar Law! His reasoning for saving Luffy is a very peculiar one One which I don't understand But as long as he's there and willing to help, I won't complain!lol I'm a doctor I can't help but think of that Family Guy episode DVD reviews J. MICHAEL TATUM, FTW!!!!Finding out the story of the island is nice and satisfying for the arc, but I don't care for it since it has little relevance on the overall plot
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